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Published Authors!!

There was great excitement in Ballagh NS recently when the published copies of “OurClassBook” were delivered to us by CJ Fallon Book Publishers. The book is a wonderful collection of stories and artwork created by the children in Ballagh NS. Each child wrote an article describing their Best Day Ever. They then produced some wonderful […]

Green School Projects

Well done to our pupils who produced some wonderful projects on our current Green School topic of Energy. Their presentation of the projects were excellently delivered and very informative.

Green Schools – Energy Testing Kit

We borrowed a Home Energy Testing Kit from Roscommon Library as part of our “Green Schools – Global Citizenship Energy” theme. This kit contained many gadgets that could be used to test where we might be over using or wasting energy either in the home or at school. The children were facinted with the different […]

Gallery At School

Ballagh National School were extremely lucky and very proud to be selected as one of only twelve schools throughout the whole of Ireland to take part in the National Art Gallery’s holistic programme “Gallery at School 2022-2023”. This initiative brought the Arts to life for our pupils as they had the opportunity to take part […]

Our new Outdoor Classroom

We are delighted with the lastest addition to our school – our outdoor seating area which was installed with assistance from the Sliabh Bawn Communinty Benefit Fund. These picnic benches are a tremendous asset to our school and will allow us to create an outdoor classroom in the warmer weather. It also gives the children […]

Green Code Winner

We are busy working on our next Green Flag for Global Citizenship – Energy. A competition was held to select a new Green Code and congratulations to Makayla who was the winner with her fantastic entry:

Green Schools

We have commenced work on achieving our next green flag “Global Citizenship – Energy”, covering topics such as Renewable Energy and Sustainability and Climate Action. We hold monthly meetings and have elected a new Green Schools Committee. We are reviewing and monitoring our energy usage in the school with regular meter readings taking place. At […]