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Christmas Cheer

Christmas came early to Ballagh NS. On the day of the holidays, Pupils all came to school dressed in their festive gear. The Parent’s Association held a Christmas Raffle and there were a huge selection of prizes to be won. There was also a sellers prize of a beautiful fun filled hamper. Many thanks to […]

Halloween in Ballagh NS

The Halloween break got off to scary but exciting start in Ballagh NS, as the school was filled with all types of witches, skeletons and scary monsters. For more pictures of Halloween, please go to gallery..

World Book Day

World Book Day was a great success at Ballagh NS with all classes taking part.   We were delighted to meet such a great variety of characters!

Ballagh NS learns all about The Irish Potato Famine

The pupils from Third to Sixth class has compiled fantastic projects on the theme of the Gorta Mó or The Irish Potato Famine.  They worked in groups to research online their projects in depth.  They integrated their work across the curriculum including making Art modals of Strokestown House, a labourer’s cottage, lazy beds, a landlord’s […]

Dentist Visit

For the month of January, the Junior Room have been working on the theme “The Dentist” through Aistear.  Last week dentist Dr. Eleanor Keaveney along with Eileen Mannion visited the Junior Room. The displayed sugar boards and talked to the children about the various amounts of sugar in different foods. The children were then shown how […]

Jasmine’s Winning Art

At a recent Enterprise Awareness workshop in the school, all the children took part in an art competition to design artwork and a slogan.  Congratulations to Jasmine Gibbons, who had the winning entry and her artwork will now represent Ballagh school in the next stage of the competition.

The Vikings come to Ballagh School

We would like to sincerely thank Roscommon County Council who provided funding for a visit from Heritage in Schools Expert, David Swift.    Dave Swift has been working in Ireland as a field-archaeologist since 1999. As founder of Living History & Re-enactment group ‘Claíomh’ he has been involved in Irish historic recreation work for more than […]

School Garden

On our return to school we were delighted to see how our school garden had blossemed over the summer months. We hope everybody enjoyed tasting the beetroot, onion and lettuce, and we will soon have carrots, parsnips and turnips to harvest