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Táin March 2018

Last Friday was a very exciting day for pupils from 3rd to 6th class as they travelled to Rathcroghan Heritage Centre to greet Queen Medb and her warriors as they set out on their long walk across the country.  Earlier in the week the children took part in a workshop with Heritage Expert Chris, where they […]

Scríobh Leabhar Success

A big congratulations to all our prize winners in the Scríobh Leabhar competition run by the Carrick-on-Shannon Education Centre.  The children had to design and write an Irish story book.  They are pictured below receiving their certificates of achievement.

Connacht Rugby Halftime Show

There was great excitement before Easter when we learned that the senior room pupils in Ballagh NS had been selected to take part in the Halftime show at the Connacht V Edinburgh Rugby match at the Sportsground in Galway on March 23rd.  The 12 children from 3rd to 6th class travelled by bus to Galway […]

A message from our Green Schools Team

  Please Remember our Ballagh National School Green Code: “LEAVE THE CAR, COME WITH US. JUMP ABROAD THE WALKING BUS!”   Weather permitting we hope to hold a WOW before or directly after the Midterm break from Niamh Hanley’s house..more information will issue via Text a Parent.   Recent Walk to School Commendation Award Winners […]

Community Games Winners

Great success at the recent Community Games Art and Handwriting competitions when 10 of our pupils received awards. Congratulations to Anthony, Lyndsey, David, Emily, Rachel, Jasmine, Anna, Katie, Sophie & Ava.

Fantastic Scientific Success for Ballagh NS

There was great excitement when Ballagh NS were announced winners at the Scifest Science Fair in the CBS Roscommon recently.   The students in 3rd to 6th class entered two projects in the competition.  The winning project was entitled “Can video games trigger an adrenaline response?” and the scientists involved in this were Seán Rohan, Mark […]

Anya wins Taste of the Lakelands Art Competition

A big congratulations to Anya in Senior Infants, who won first prize in the Jnr/Snr Infants category of the Taste of the Lakelands Art Competition.  This competition was open to all  local Primary Schools so it was a super achievement to be awarded 1st prize.  Anya proudly displays her wonderful drawing and also the Mega […]