First Communion & Confirmation

Congratulations to the pupils of Ballagh NS who celebrated their Confirmation and First Communion recently.

Great work carried out during Lockdown

The pupils of Ballagh NS were very busy during Lockdown and the following are a few examples of some of the great work that was carried out. Well done to everyone!

Greenschools Award- Wonderful News

We are delighted to report the wonderful news that all our hard work on Biodiversity and building bug hotels, bird feeders and harvesting vegetables and planting pollinator friendly plants from our raised bed has paid off…we have earned our Greenschool Flag for Biodiversity awarded by An Taisce- huge thanks to our Greenschools’ Committee, pupils, school staff, Parents and to Mr. Sweeney and Mr. Nolan for their help with the Sensory Garden. Also to Roscommon County Council for the local Agenda funding to help our Greenschools’ and  Pollinators Projects. When we return to school we will celebrate our achievements. Well done and thanks to all.

Information for Students and Parents regarding Health and Well Being

We attach information from PDST and The Irish Heart Foundation, which both contain very good tips and activities. Please click on the links below to view this information.

The PDST Primary Health and Wellbeing Team have developed a new resource which aims to support the emotional wellbeing of children.

In times of crisis and change, feelings and emotions can be heightened, particularly for children. The sanctuary of the classroom allows children to explore these feelings and to develop coping skills and self-regulation strategies. ‘Breathe’ invites teachers to share some of the techniques that they would normally explore in SPHE class, with children in their own homes.

The beautiful new ‘Breathe’ resource features a range of calming breathing techniques and guided visualisations that the child can use to bring about a sense of peace and comfort in any situation. The resource, which is suitable for children (and adults!) of all ages and class levels, is accompanied by audio recordings of the guided visualisations in both English and Irish. There are currently 25 audio clips on our website and more will be added over time.

The resource is available to access and download from

 Learning undertaken within physical education class can be consolidated and enhanced outside of school through the use of these resources.

During these difficult days when we have all been asked to stay at home to prevent the spread of coronavirus, it can be difficult to keep the kids entertained.
Therefore, the Irish Heart Foundation has devised the ‘Lets Get Active’ programme to help kids remain healthy, happy and active.
‘Let’s Get Active,’ is a fun weekly activity challenge for children, each week has a different theme and a challenge to do 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
In the booklet, you will find lots of different things to do including, physical activities and educational resources. The activities are designed to include common everyday things you can find at home.

GAA Skills Ideas

As part of our hard work on the GAA- 5 Star programme- please see attached some ideas which will allow you to keep the skills up. There are lots of catching, throwing and kicking drills and activities.

You will also find really fun clips by GAA stars on

Ask not what your county can do for you, but what you can do for your County!!!

First Penance / First Holy Communion / Confirmation

With regards to the Sacraments, no decision has been made yet as to their timeline, as soon as the information becomes available to us, we will forward details to parents. We would like to share a note received from the Diocese Primary Catechetics team:

Over recent days, Deacon Frank McGuinness, Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry, has integrated a number of child-friendly religious education / faith development resources with the Elphin Diocesan website.  They may be accessed via the homepage  or directly at .   Frank continues to add to this resource.  Currently it includes a listing of PG rated movies with faith themes (ideal for Easter holiday viewing) and First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation programmes that include animated videos etc. to stimulate the children’s engagement.

We also take this opportunity to wish you a blessed, safe and healthy Easter break.

Teresa, Mary & Kathleen
Diocese of Elphin – Primary Catechetics

Useful Links to Websites

We understand people are sharing lots of useful links to websites across social media,which can be confusing to decide which is useful. This resource for Junior Infants to 6th Class  might narrow down the search and be worth exploring by the pupils if they get bored- don’t feel under pressure to use but we felt it was well structured and might be helpful at some stage if you wished during the closure. As a a school we wish to extend our thanks to Eimear Sheahan who created the padlet resource and Ger Ruane who shared this great padlet with lots of activities for home learning activities. Just click on the link or copy into your browser-

We hope this helps, remember anything that is suggested is a menu, pick what suits your day. Keep smiling and try to get  out in the garden to enjoy the good weather at the moment.

Best wishes- Staff of Ballagh National School.

Covid 19 – Activities and ideas for children

Dear Parents,
I hope you are all keeping well and your families are all safe. This is a very challenging and stressful time for everybody, including children. Many of them are worried about some of the things they have seen on TV, social media or overheard from people.
In order to avoid stress for both parents and children regarding school work we have put together some activities and ideas that you may find helpful.
We all need to look after our physical and mental health at this time. Spending time talking to your children and doing activities with them would be very beneficial. Above everything else, it is important that the children have some structure to their day and that they enjoy what they are doing as they will be missing the structure and routine of school as well as the friendship and support of their peers.

In the meantime, take care and mind yourselves.
Best Regards,
Audrey Nolan

National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS)

The Department of Education and Skills’ NEPS psychologists have developed advice and some resources for young people to manage and stay well when schools are closed. Please click on the link below. s-and-third-level-institutions-on-the-coronavirus.html#15


There are lots of amazing resources online to assist home learning. The following is just a selection: is offering a free daily quiz (answers must be in by 3pm!) offering a daily prize of a €20 gift voucher, the winner each day will be announced on Twitter. is offering free access to parents: enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS. Dabbledoo music programme, free at home access (a free online site to learn touch typing skills) (free online Maths lessons) (online coding tutorials and challenges) (online games for maths and English practice) (10 at 10, get active in English and as Gaeilge!) (lots of drawing tutorials for kids to follow) (excellent, reliable, age-appropriate information source for students) (as the libraries are currently closed you can use your library card details or sign up at this link to get temporary card details, use the BORROWBOX app to download 5 books/ audiobooks as you would from the library)

Basketball Blitz

A great day was had recently when pupils in the Senior Room attended a basketball blitz in Castlerea.